
    • 3hr visits over the first few months postpartum

    • $45/hr with min booking of 18hrs

  • Overnight Visits

    • 10hr visits over the first few months postpartum.

    • $45/hr with min booking of 30 hrs.

    • Postpartum Doula

    • Certified in Infant CPR

    • High risk families

    • Preemies

    • People with mood disorders

Amelia is a postpartum doula that offers day and overnight support. Her practice centers around the understanding that holding space for challenges while lovingly supporting each family will ease the transition for both parents and babies. Her non-judgmental, open hearted support assists a new family to thrive, and not just survive.
Originally from Buffalo, New York, Amelia was raised by her mother, a full spectrum birth and
postpartum doula and advocate who served WNY families and supported doulas for over 15
years. Amelia trained and certified through the Life Cycle Doula training program for
postpartum. Being born and raised in the doula community, Amelia gained an acute
understanding of the value of professional nonjudgmental support through powerful life
changes. Along with Amelia’s postpartum certifications, she has attended trainings for childbirth education, breastfeeding support, birth doula training and is a certified Girl Talk instructor. She assists in Life Cycle Doula trainings as a co-teacher and has created a module she offers to doulas on communication skills and holding space.
Amelia believes that when families are cared for, well informed, and given the support they need they can overcome all obstacles.

  • "We were so lucky to be able to welcome Amelia to both our birth and postpartum doula workshops. She was thoughtful, engaged, passionate, and sincere in her efforts to learn and begin her doula career with us. She was an asset at each workshop and continuing education class she attended. We so appreciated what she brought to each group that we asked her to teach portions of future training and even had her help develop a module on communication skills we still use. We also chose to add her to our doula agency and match her with clients for postpartum support. We had overwhelmingly positive feedback from each family. Amelia is such a sincere, caring, responsible, loving, and open hearted doula. We miss her in Buffalo! She is truly gifted in her ability to be present with each family and situation without judgment. Any family would be lucky to have her support and care for them."

    Gina Durant
    Founder Buffalo Doula Collective

  • "Amelia was a kind, helpful, empathetic presence in our tender postpartum period. The feeling of calm and relief I felt when she walked through the door to help us at night was truly priceless. Amelia - thank you for giving us some much-needed rest during the whirlwind postpartum time."


  • "She is exactly what we needed in this parenthood journey. In a time that is already stressful and challenging, she provided support, taught us great tips for taking care of the baby and made sure my husband and I were also well taken care of as well. She helped us grow our confidence in parenting and taking care of a baby every step of the way. We felt so supported by her and I think the reason we had such a positive start to parenthood is because of her and her support. Amelia is very talented at what she does and has such a wonderful calming energy."


  • " I was really scared of losing myself in becoming a mother. It was my chats with Amelia in the early exhausting days of parenthood- she would keep me company while I breastfed in the middle of the night and we would talk about all kinds of things and share some laughs. That connection with her made me realize I may have just gone through a life altering event which changes you in so many ways, but at my core I'm still me. I didn't lose myself."
