Lactation Support

Nachi Jovic, co-founder of NYC Birth Village and IBCLC may be available for Manhattan home visits and/or virtual telehealth sessions

Some insurances accepted, please check here for insurance coverage.

Lactation Support Options

  • Home Visits (UWS & UES)

    90min ($300 if not covered by insurance)

    Assessment of latch, feeding, supply

    Weighing baby/babies before and after breastfeeding sessions (will bring scale)

    Exploring feeding positions/bottle feeding techniques

    Examination of baby’s oral and physical function

    Guidance/instruction on overcoming specific challenges and establishing a sound feeding plan

    Referrals to other providers as needed

  • Telehealth Session (Prenatally or Postpartum)

    60min ($150 if not covered by insurance)

    Prenatals: Lactation education and a customized preparation for the lactation process

    Virtual assessment of latch, feeding, supply

    Exploring feeding positions/bottle feeding techniques

    Guidance/instruction on overcoming specific challenges and establishing a sound feeding plan

    Ideal for discussing going back to work, introducing solids, weaning plans